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  • 7:49 PM
Soulja spoke on working on his new album a while back. And, if you follow him on instagram. Then you had the pleasure of seeing the concept cover work of his new project. Well, after months of waiting on some kind of update about it. Soulja has come out to say that the production of this album is almost complete.

This new album carrying the entitlement of "Redemption" is halfway of being completed. Soulja spoke a little about the project, and where he is mentally while working on it. He says "This album is pretty much the same journey I took people with the previous album. This one is a little more darker than the last one though. Before I started this album I reached a state of mind that kind scared me. Where a lot of the things I feared came to the surface."

  • 2:13 AM
Soulja and Cash are known for collaborating on tracks. If you look through either artist discography you'll see that these two show up in each other's discography since the beginning of time almost. But, it has been a long time that Soulja and Cash have collaborated on a entire mixtape together though.

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