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  • 10:22 PM

It seems as if "Return to the Underground" mixtape is still on Soulja's to do list. He recently spoke out via Twitter that the mixtape is still under construction, but looking great in its structure. He says "RTTUG is still live, and well. Its going to have plenty features on, and a range of songs from riding music, to sit back, and think music."

Soulja recently released the full version of a sneak peek that he released earlier in the month. That featured Matt Perez, and Cash entitled "Same Ol' Feeling" from "Return to the Underground" mixtape. He also said via Twitter that another song will be released that features Will Boy. But, also hinted that a collaboration mixtape him and Will Boy might be in the makes. And, that "Return to the Underground" mixtape might be the prequel of that mixtape.

It seems as Soulja quietness is turning into a work streak. With the release of a short verse he put out earlier this week via Youtube called "Pastors and Politicians" for public view. Soulja spoke on the meaning of the song. He said "The song is to not change people views of religion or politics. The song was just my views on the similarities between pastors and politicians. If anyone feels any different they have a right. But, they could at least acknowledge my own right to express my views. That's what I do in my music. I speak my views over instrumentals. I know people won't like it, and thats fine. But, atleast it was said."

Soulja said he plans on releasing more short tracks until the release of "Return to the Underground" mixtape. So, stay turn to his Youtube, and twitter for updates.

  • 6:03 PM

Just the other day Soulja spoke on his reason for hiatus  and that he is working on a new mixtape entitled "Return to the Underground" and the cover work has cause some controversy saying that its a copy cat of Big K.R.I.T's "Live from the Underground" album. Soulja cleared the air on the reason why the cover work is taken from the "Live from the Underground" album. But, he re-spoke on the topic.

He says "I used the artwork for "Live from the Underground" because K.R.I.T rose for the underground level to where he is now. And, his music has been a major part into my personal life. I felt as if we're on the same wavelength lyrically. We speak the truths of the world, yet we make anthems that represent the Southern culture. That over the years have became a dying breed. I wanted something that was going to captivate the eyes with this mixtape. And, that's another reason why I used the cover work  I'm not trying to copycat K.R.I.T. and his originality  I'm just paying homage to what he has done as a young legend in the making coming from the bottom."

He continues by saying "This whole mixtape is the reinvention of Soulja Corleone. Each song is going to be paying homage to my favorite artist. From K.R.I.T. to Z-Ro. These are the artist that impact me in my personal life, and influenced me musically. So, there is going to be alot that compares to these artist, but will never met them, because I don't have the same talent as them, but it will be similar to them. But, not better than them."

Soulja recently tweeted that the sneak peek track he released will feature Will Boy, and another track he leaked called "Same Ol' Feelings" will feature Matt Perez and Cash. "Return to the Underground" has no release date yet. But, it seems as Soulja is back to his old self, and putting his focus into this mixtape. And, using all his connects to make it a great one.

  • 2:52 AM
Its been a while since Soulja has last been seen. He went MIA a few months after the release of his album "Music. Pain." and follow up "More than a Rapper" instrumental EP. So where has he been hiding? That has been the question burned into the fans of Soulja Corleone. And, now it seems as he's ready to return to the music once more.

In a brief speaking Soulja spoke on his reason of being MIA. He says "A little after I released my album, I feel sick due to a summer cold. Once I thought I was over that one, I gained another cold. So, I figured it'll be cool. Just to take some time off, and regain my voice, come up with some material." He continues "I really wanted to put out a follow up album after "Music. Pain." but with nothing going on in my life for me to speak about, and the cold. It was like two brick walls stopping me. And, yet again usually after I work hard on a project. I need time to reboot, and get back to writing new material. And, thats what I did."

Soulja also spoke about his upcoming mixtape, which cover work is shown above. He says "I know that I been away, and it seems right that I come back on a strong note. The year is almost over, and I really haven't put anything major under my belt since the album. So, I said to myself its almost like I'm back on the level I was when the year started, so its back to the status of working hard to put out good music." He continues with "I really wanted something out there to captivate the eyes before the ears, and something that has been captivating my ears is Big K.R.I.T's "Live from the Underground" album. So, I flipped that idea and took the artwork, put my spin on it, and entitled it "Return to the Underground" mixtape."

Soulja says that the mixtape is in the development stages, but he did put out a sneek peek of a track that will be on the mixtape. Its called "You See Meh" and can be found below. Check it out...

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