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  • 11:47 AM
For people who have been waiting on this mixtape since its summer announcement. Soulja has finally come out, and said that the awaited "Who is Mildley Woods?" mixtape is almost completed. Soulja has been updating his fan page like crazy about the mixtape. And, from what he says the mixtape is about 85% done recording wise. The only thing that will hold this project up is mastering, and a few edits here, and there.

Soulja says "I've been working like crazy late nights of working on this mixtape. I can't say its my best piece of work, but its up there. Everything is sounding good even in the rough stages. Just a few more tracks to come back on collaborations. And, a few solo tracks that needs editing for myself. But, the mixtape will be out soon."

Lets hope that Soulja stays true to his word. Just from the release tracks it seems as if the mixtape is going to be good. Which Soulja had something to say on that also. "I hate to disappoint, but there will be no more releases from the mixtape. I hope that the ones I have release will hold the people, and don't worry. I will put something new out when I can."

Everyone lets gear up for the release of "Who is Mildley Woods?" Sometime soon.
A call-to-action text Contact Soulja Corleone