Just the other day Soulja spoke on his reason for hiatus and that he is working on a new mixtape entitled "Return to the Underground" and the cover work has cause some controversy saying that its a copy cat of Big K.R.I.T's "Live from the Underground" album. Soulja cleared the air on the reason why the cover work is taken from the "Live from the Underground" album. But, he re-spoke on the topic.
He says "I used the artwork for "Live from the Underground" because K.R.I.T rose for the underground level to where he is now. And, his music has been a major part into my personal life. I felt as if we're on the same wavelength lyrically. We speak the truths of the world, yet we make anthems that represent the Southern culture. That over the years have became a dying breed. I wanted something that was going to captivate the eyes with this mixtape. And, that's another reason why I used the cover work I'm not trying to copycat K.R.I.T. and his originality I'm just paying homage to what he has done as a young legend in the making coming from the bottom."
He continues by saying "This whole mixtape is the reinvention of Soulja Corleone. Each song is going to be paying homage to my favorite artist. From K.R.I.T. to Z-Ro. These are the artist that impact me in my personal life, and influenced me musically. So, there is going to be alot that compares to these artist, but will never met them, because I don't have the same talent as them, but it will be similar to them. But, not better than them."
Soulja recently tweeted that the sneak peek track he released will feature Will Boy, and another track he leaked called "Same Ol' Feelings" will feature Matt Perez and Cash. "Return to the Underground" has no release date yet. But, it seems as Soulja is back to his old self, and putting his focus into this mixtape. And, using all his connects to make it a great one.