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  • 10:42 PM
Soulja Corleone dropped a track out of no where. Early for some, but late for others on March 3rd. The new entitled "Smoker, and a Drinker" popped up on Soulja Corleone's SoundCloud page with no form of announcement from his Twitter or Facebook pages. 

At this point in time is normal for a release from Soulja Corleone. The real shocker is that Soulja did update his Facebook page saying "It has begun. Redemption on the way. Just wait on it."

Its's been a real quiet project for Soulja Corleone working on this new album. Many people either have forgotten, or just don't care anymore about it. And, it seems as Soulja doesn't care to rush himself in putting this album out any sooner than when he wants to.

Sources close to Soulja Corleone says he has been working on the project, and being very discreet about its progression. But, the first official release from the album in the form of this new track. Is a sign that he is working at his own pace, and making some great material while doing so.

Check out the new track "Smoker, and a Drinker" below.

A call-to-action text Contact Soulja Corleone