Since then Soulja Corleone has been silent on all social media fronts until a couple months ago when he posted "#HHR2" on his social media platforms, but at the time it was just something random to those paying attention. Following that hashtag Soulja updated his social media accounts two more times. Posting "The only king to leave his throne, and claim it back. #HHR2" and "Recording for #HHR2 has wrapped up, time for mixing."
That was a sign to many who hadn't heard from the artist something was coming, but when was it coming was the question. Yet, it wasn't long until some speculation was answered, and that was Thanksgiving. Where Soulja said one thing that would set the tone for the newly released project. He says "Thanks for giving the energy." As sighting it was some unknown force, or forces that had made this project come to life.
Soulja is infamous for his long hiatus breaks from social media, and the music scene only to re-appear with something that shakes up those who look out, and don't look out for him. Only to disappear again. But, where does this new project stand next to its predecessor? Admittedly this new released work from Soulja Corleone is much longer than the previous "He Has Rizen" EP released in 2016 that came in with only 4 tracks, and with majority produced by CashMoneyAP, and one produced by Skeyez.
The follow up features 10 tracks, and showcases a variety of producers in its credits. And, mostly familiar names that have been the backbone of many Soulja Corleone tracks. That includes The Cratez, Nate Rhoads, Cxdy, and now Skeyez. While some names are unfamiliar to have done production for Soulja Corleone such as WxlfStealth, and Ryo the Ghoul. But, besides the multiple producers it took to give this project life. The main attraction is that Soulja Corleone came out, and brought his vision to each, and every track.
For so much time away from the scene Soulja Corleone's voice is going to perk up alot of ears, and may bring some response to the content of the project. It more or less seemed as he had unfinished business from the last "He Has Rizen" project into this one. But, at the end of it all. It seems as if its been resolved on Soulja Corleone's end.
Listen to "He Has Rizen 2" below.