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  • 5:18 AM
As 2011 almost comes to a close it has been a busy year for this independent artist we know as Soulja Corleone. We have watch his evolution year to year musically, and as a person. He has spoken freely about what his words mean in his music, and what it means to him, and these are his final words for the year 2011.

Soulja sat down with the SDIMG team, and spoke openly about this year, he says "Honestly, I can't wait for this year to be over, it has been maybe my worst/best years yet. To be real musically my best. I've written some of my best yet in this year, but mentally, and emotionally its taken its toll on me."

When asked what he meant by that statement Soulja says "I've been through some sh*t this year, its like I can't win for losing. I do good on one hand, and just fall off on the other. But, at the end of the day I continue to hold my head up. That's all I can do, that's all I ever done."

Soulja then went into speaking about the mixtapes he dropped this year, and what has become his new bar to reach in the next year. "I honestly don't know yet. "Who is Mildley Woods" is a hard mixtape to touch the music was just right, and it fit the summer, but I think "Never Given Sunday" is going to hold a spot in my personal collection. I spoke alot of truth on that mixtape, and "Undisputed" it wasn't something I just through together like I did with Mildley. Those two mixtapes was my soul just escaping, my pain, and experiences being painted. Some won't think that, but I think that."

So, when the question came up about the 2012 season. Soulja was sort of on a see-saw with it. He says "I got some ideas of things I want to do, but just as always I'm going to fall off that, and move to something else. I know I want to do something, that I've never done before. And, I think I got it, but I just have to see where it goes down the line. I know I'm going to push those who've been standing, and working hard as me more. Like Cash, and L3GEND. I saw my boys come along way, and we've came along way together, and I think 2012 is going to be the year we capitalize on all that we've done.

In those conclusive words Soulja said what he said, and spoke no more about it, but knowing him, he's going to push through anything, and do more than have a Street Dream, he is going to make it an reality.
  • 12:28 AM
There are officially 12 days left til the release of Soulja's final mixtape of 2011. And, via Twitter Soulja updated the progress on the mixtape.

He says "I'm officially taken with the tracklisting, the mastering is finished. This mixtape is starting to sound like a soundtrack to a movie." Although, after those tweets Soulja said "I'm still waiting on a few final pieces of the mixtape, but it as well as complete, and I'm 100% content on the mixtape the way that it is."

Alot of people are looking forward to this mixtape through the hype that Soulja has put out about it via his Facebook page, and Twitter. And, from the 3 songs that were released from the mixtape. It sounds as if its going to be a well balanced piece of work to end the year with.
  • 8:17 PM

Soulja drops the ball with the 3rd released track from "Never Given Sunday", and it features his second up Cash. Soulja tweeted via twitter "Our day is coming soon #NeverGivenSunday"
It seems as he is really ready for the release of this mixtape, and for the people to have something as the new year comes in.

Soulja Corleone Ft. Cash - Never Given Sunday by Soulja Corleone
  • 8:14 PM
Its now December, and the release of Soulja's last mixtape of the year is almost at its release. Soulja is always free to speak about his projects, and in his recent conversational with SDIMG label mates, and friends. He spoke on his reason for the entitlement of his "Never Given Sunday" mixtape.

Soulja says "I've been doing this music thing for a while, and in the last 2 years I've finally gained some listeners, and I not only mean casual listeners. I'm talking die hard listeners, who download every mixtape I drop. And, that makes me feel great about what I'm doing. But, sometimes it feels as if isn't the best I can do. When I was thinking of my next project, I happened to be watching the "Any Given Sunday" movie. And, was real inspired by that. The raw feel, and emotion of that movie. So, once I started recording the mixtape. I noticed that the few tracks almost sounded like a soundtrack. And, sitting back after a while I realized, this mixtape is going to have to be more than just me, because there are alot of great artist on the indie level, that doesn't get any recognition for their work. Then, it hit me. I'll name it "Never Given Sunday" the opposite of "Any Given Sunday" in the sense that myself, and the artist I'm working with on this mixtape. Are grinding extra hard, and putting everything we have into our dream of becoming something greater than we are, and getting there yet."

Then, Soulja went on to talk about who he chose to work with on this mixtape. He says "I didn't want to go into this project alone, I wanted it to be a team effort almost like in the movie. So, I reached out to not only my regular collaborators, but some I've never worked with like Will Boy who was recommended to me by DJ Marksman, and C. Smif, who I've been following musically for the past year, and a half. I reached out to Dyce former member of Meta4ical Click. And, I've been trying to reach out to Carly; who has done hooks for Cash on songs, and Jay Notez; who is a close friend of C. Smif."

Soulja then set the mood of the mixtape of how the complete project would sound. He went on to say "Its going to sound like a dramatic soundtrack to fit a movie. Songs that identify each artist as a their own character. Designed by themselves, and the lyrics they chose to use, and the way they chose to deliver it."

Soulja also did say that "Never Given Sunday" is about 85% complete. There is still songs that are waiting on call backs from a few artist, and alot of mix, and mastering left to do before the mixtape is completely finished. Although he said due to so many people not reaching back to him. It may be missing more than he expects.
A call-to-action text Contact Soulja Corleone