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  • 3:57 PM
If releasing some new concept/reference songs wasn't enough. Soulja Corleone has confirmed that he is going to be releasing a new project for the end of 2014.

It is entitled "The Journey EP." And, Soulja Corleone gave the people a little insight of what this project may contain.

He starts off by saying "This may not be for everyone, but maybe I'm being selfish. And, doing this for me." in a tweet on Twitter.

He follows that up by saying "I'm ready to start fresh in 2015. I don't want to carry baggage from 2014 into the next year. Why? cause carrying your past is redundant. I want a new slate for the album. I want to be on a new level than I previously was. And, holding on to all these tracks that are concepts, and reference tracks will be irrelevant to me in 2015."

After those potent choice of words he concludes with "This is project is the journey I took musically to find my goal. To find me as I grew personally, and musically. I hit some dead ends, I even back tracked, and went in circles. And, the music shows that. Did I reach my goal on this journey? Not really, but who says you can't leave one unfinished to start a new one. I found so much about myself working on these songs, and I wanted to share what I had created on this journey. Yes, its going to be alot of source material that is rough, and unfinished. But, the words don't need to be polished to shine, cause they do that naturally. As every year I try to release a project to cap that year off. And, this is that project from me."

Although he gave great insight into the project, and the placement of the previously released songs, he gave no release date. Speculation is he is cleaning up some of the tracks to make them sound a little more appealing to the listeners. Since both previous tracks sounded really good with a hit of roughness. But, there is no pressure obviously on Soulja Corleone's back about what he is doing next year. May he take us on his journey with him. Within this project.
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