Soulja Corleone even acknowledge he has been away on his Facebook page by saying "Been away from the public music scene, but if
you was wondering where I been. I been working on some new music for
y'all. So, here a new track I worked on a while back."
With saying that he released a concept/reference track he has been holding on from some unnamed project, and entitled it "Passive Time Spectrum." Which is a odd name for a track from Soulja Corleone.
But, for those who have been waiting on hearing this rough voice with clever lines about his own personal life, and beliefs. This one is for you. And, if you couldn't get enough of "Passive Time Spectrum." Well, Soulja Corleone released another concept/reference track some hours later.
Entitled "A.midst M.y B.eloved (AMB)" which he referece at the beginning of the track that the verse he used was originally a poem he wrote. And, adjust it to the beat for this song. Overall these are some interesting concept/reference songs from Soulja Corleone. And, it makes you wonder where their placement is in his discography.
At this time Soulja hasn't spoke about anything being released soon. Except speaking on his album "Redemption" was on hold til 2015. So, the question to ask is... Was these songs meant for the album? That's a question on Soulja Corleone can answer. But, if your not updated with Soulja Corleone on Facebook, Twitter, or Soundcloud. The tracks are after the jump.