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  • 11:08 PM

2011 started off well for Soulja Corleone, and the SDIMG family. Beginning with the "Intermission" mixtape, and supposedly continuing the success with another mixtape, and finally a EP album. But, into the second mixtape Soulja was suppose to release in the month of February.

Soulja announced via Facebook that his EP album was being pushed back, and possibly shelved. He claimed that he would make up for its absence on the release date. Friday, February 11, 2011 was the release date of the mixtape Soulja entitled "Elevation" the pre-mixtape before the EP album.

The date passed, and no mixtape release. Soulja spoke on the mishap via his Facebook. Soulja says "I'm sorry to say that the mixtape was not completed due to alot of changes in the plans with the reunion of the Team, and whatnot. I still will drop the mixtape, but I will also follow up "Elevation" with 2 more mixtapes entitled "The Symptom" and "Seasonal Player" for the listeners."

As of the dates for the mixtapes to be released, Soulja has not given any. But, hopefully it will be soon enough for Soulja to continue his month to month run with mixtapes.
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