On Oct. 25th "My Best Work" was released. It was not only to mark a day in Soulja's career, but also in his life. Oct. 25, 2011 brought more than happiness to Soulja by not only his daughter turning 5 yrs old. But, the mixtape that capped his career from 2008 til 2011 did well in downloads with hardly any promotion for it.
On the day of the release in a matter of 2 hours "My Best Work" hit over 300 downloads, a day after the release did another 300 downloads. Now, 2 days after the release "My Best Work" sits pretty at over 800 downloads. Although it isn't much to brag about Soulja did say "The whole purpose of this mixtape was to put songs that people may have forgotten about back into their playlist of mine. And, to do such great numbers without hardly any promotion from outside sources beside myself talking about the project on Twitter is great to me. Alot of artist look towards big numbers, but an artist like myself looks at the bottom. People who downloaded this mixtape are truly listeners to my music, and understood the cause for it. Also, I like that thank those who downloaded it, and hit me up via Twitter, and Facebook wishing my daughter a Happy Birthday. She enjoyed ever wish she got."
Soulja also did say that there may be a "My Best Work 2" but that is far from now. He said that he is focusing on new projects before the year 2011 ends. And, to have them in the hands of the people who truly listen to his music. He announced a date for his next mixtape "Undisputed" which drops on November 5th.
If you haven't downloaded "MY BEST WORK" click here to add that to your collection.