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  • 6:15 PM
Soulja is usually one who shy away from the camera at times. But, soon he will be releasing a 15 min DVD of freestyles for the fans. When Soulja first spoke on the idea he said "I really want the people who do pay attention to me, when I make songs, and whatnot to actually see me at my rawest form. Alot of times when I record songs. I can't put everything I want down, so I erase alot or it just doesn't come off as something natural. So I want to compile a short movie of me freestyling, along with me just speaking on my career and ideas. Something reality based on my journey, nothing fiction."

As of now Soulja is filming for the short movie. For a few label mates, they are behind this idea 100% and possibly with do the same. Soulja also said "This is something I think all artist should do for their fans, to show there true artistry. Them at there most varnable time, when they don't have time to write something down, and rehearse it. As a artist practicing my freestlying, or just in the spur of the moment skill is what I think keeps me sharp as a recording artist. Its something that happens natural and spontaneous, and I just hope I'll be able to capture it all on film"

When the short movie will be released has not been announced, but it shall be sometime before the beginning of December.
A call-to-action text Contact Soulja Corleone