It seems that Soulja has put "Who is Mildley Woods" into work already. Although Soulja said that material on "Who is Mildley Woods" would be all new material, but it seems Soulja can't let go of some of his old material.
Soulja says "I had a few songs that I put out for the listeners, but didn't place them onto "To be Continued" as planned. So, to give them a place I want to place them on "Who is Mildley Woods" as interluds or something of that form. The tracks I've been considering was "Sunday Brunch" which features The Kid, "The Times" which I placed for free download a while back, and a soon to be released YBG (Young, Blessed, and Gifted) track "F*cked Up" which has not be completed yet as a full group, but will have a feature spot with only one person on the mixtape."
It seems as if Soulja's alter ego "Mildley Woods" showed up on these songs, and he would like to transfer them over to the current mixtape. Although, its not a good look for a broken promise. Soulja must think these songs the listeners would love to listen to again with the arrangement of new material he is working on.
Many listeners are awaiting the release, and futher updates on "Who Is Mildley Woods" it seems it would be bigger than any mixtape Soulja has previous released, or up to par with the great mixtapes, and albums he has released.