Its been awhile since Soulja announced "Return to the Underground" mixtape to the public. But, with almost 2 months gone. The mixtape hasn't been release. It seems as if Soulja ran into some troubles working on the mixtape. In a brief interview Soulja spoke on all the things that are stopping the mixtape from dropping any sooner.
He says "I'm not trying to rush the mixtape. I want it to be ready when its finished. I'm not going to lie. I want to put it out as soon as possible. But, time permitting the mixtape is just not ready. It doesn't seem complete to me at the moment. So, I'm going to work on more material for it until everything just sounds right to me. But, I really want to get it done before the year is out."
He continues "My main intentions with this mixtape is just to reach all parts of the things I've put out this year, and smash it together in a abstract art piece. But, until I get to that level. I'm going to continue putting out songs from the mixtape. Just to let people into what the complete product is going to sound like. And, let them know that it is getting worked on."
At the moment Soulja still haven't given any exact details on when the mixtape is going to be finished, but he did say 2 more songs from the mixtape is going to be released. Which brings features from Cash, and Will Boy.