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  • 2:59 PM
After almost year of speculation of a album coming. Soulja has finally dropped his awaited album. That  is entirely produced by him, and created under his own influence. On May 15th the "Music. Pain." album hit the digital shelves with a bang. Getting a great response from the people who awaited it.

The album is now on sale for $7.00 at http://souljacorleone.bandcamp.com and http://vibedeck.com/SouljaCorleone for purchase. The profits will go to creating the sequel project, and to the D.W. foundation. A foundation that the family of Soulja founded in 2004 for people who are ill, and awaiting organ transplants, but don't have funds to be pushed upon the list. Soulja also threw out that once the album reaches 50 downloads, a free instrumental version of the album will be given out.

Haven't checked out "Music. Pain." album. Check down below for a player to preview the album.

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