With the EP being a few weeks away, the people want to know more about it. A short interview with Soulja Corleone clears up all the wonders about this hidden project that is just coming to light. With two singles leading the way, both of two different atmospheres.
When asked about it Soulja replied with "The singles outline what the EP sounds like to me. "Ridin' Round the City" provided one aspect of the title, that is music. And, "Now or Never" provides the other side which is pain. They come together as the opening tracks for the EP so well. Although each song on the EP works in their own favor."
Now, with that answer. Most of the fans want to know how these singles created the rest of the EP. Soulja gave a great response by saying "Ridin' Round the City" and "Now or Never" was actually the first two tracks to be completed. Same in the production aspect one day I made the beat for "Now or Never" next day I made the beat for "Ridin' Round the City" basically they was the highest candidates to be the first singles off the EP. And, from that point they became the outline for the rest of the EP production wise."
With some light shed on this EP, the fans await the release on May 15th. Even Cash who A&Red the project tweeted that it is a classic already. Now, the people must dame it another classic project under Soulja's belt.